good vibes

Still in lockdown? 10 more activities to spark your creativity

Time to add 10 more activities to spark your creativity to the list of things you can do while stuck…

4 years ago

Found: the top 10 best Vegan fall candles ♥

The best Vegan, cruelty-free, bio-degradable & sustainable candles to surround yourself with a delicate glow this fall.

5 years ago

Of quiet moments – a day in the life: our new vlog is online

Come along with us on a stroll around the Windy Burrow. Just a day filled with quiet moments, noticing all…

5 years ago

101 frugal, fun and productive things to do at home #howiquarantine

Stuck at home? Here are 101 frugal, fun and productive things to do at home to make the most of…

5 years ago

51 Ylang Ylang essential oil benefits & uses: the complete guide

Find out some of the most wonderful Ylang Ylang essential oil benefits and uses, including its calming and relaxing effects…

5 years ago

How to make your own DIY smudge sticks

Learn how to make your own eco-friendly DIY smudge sticks, and find out why it's so important to collect local…

5 years ago

Tips for a home that supports well-being & reduces stress

If you're feeling stressed, follow these 5 easy tips to create a home that supports your well-being and reduces stress…

6 years ago

Fall candle haul with UnEarthed Luxury Candles

Fall is finally arriving, and it's time for an eco-friendly, toxic-free, botanically-infused, Vegan and cruelty-free Fall Candle haul for fall…

7 years ago

The top 5 smells that will make you feel happy

Have you ever wondered if happiness has a smell? Well here's a list of the top 5 smells that make…

7 years ago

Relaxation and meditation: health benefits

Guest post by Uma Here's all you need to know if you want to learn more about meditation: it’s health…

7 years ago

20 daily Gratitude & Abundance Affirmations

20 daily Gratitude and Abundance Affirmations to start your journey to a more abundant, grateful life Hello my beautiful friends,…

7 years ago

5 amazing benefits of Himalayan Salt Lamps

We've just resurfaced from a short but noticeable internet downtime due to moving (yes, once again! We're becoming pros). As…

8 years ago

5 ways to welcome Spring

Find 5 ways to welcome spring and not simply see it as another day on the calendar: smoothies, sunshine, detox,…

9 years ago

5 things to be happy about

Getting caught in a daily routine work - commute (traffic) - chores leaves you somehow emptied of energy? A simple…

10 years ago