The Top 10 Vegan food & lifestyle posts of 2019 here on, those you loved the most, shared the most, commented the most. Thank you! ♥
Top 10 Vegan food & lifestyle posts of 2019 on Seven Roses

The Top 10 Vegan food & lifestyle posts of 2019 here on, those you loved the most, shared the most, commented the most. Thank you! ♥
Hello my beautiful friends! First off, I want to express my gratitude for all of you who have visited my site, read the contents I’ve put out, and just been a part of this adventure. It was a big year here at the SevenRoses HQ. This year we’ve moved from an apartment to a beautiful house, we adopted Zen – a 6-year-old dog, we traveled to Rome and Berlin, we got new meaningful tattoos and wrote & created more than ever before. I’ve compiled a list of the 10 most popular articles of 2017, those you loved the most, based on the number of page views. Thank you! 1. Rich...
2016 is almost here! I wanted to take a quick moment to share some of my personal highlights of 2015, and I invite you to do the same. More than hastily making new year’s resolutions, it’s important to stop for a moment and take a glance at what you’ve achieved or what you’ve overcome during the past year. Only then we can make plans for an even better year to come, don’t you think? So here’s my 2015 in review Opened SevenRoses for business When in 2014 I quit my job to relocate far, far away from home and work as a freelance, I thought I would only work as...