If you're looking for an easy way to make a DIY no-sew face mask at home in case of emergency, here are 3 easy tutorials with step by step pictures. Stay safe!
How to make a quick DIY no-sew face mask at home – 3 ways!

If you're looking for an easy way to make a DIY no-sew face mask at home in case of emergency, here are 3 easy tutorials with step by step pictures. Stay safe!
Stocking up on viral outbreak essentials like hand sanitzer, DIY mask frames and pantry staples is the most prudent way to prepare for a pandemic
A week of delicious Vegan comfort food recipes that you can make with what you have in your pantry, to endure the Coronavirus outbreak
If you're looking for the best Vegan foods to stockpile for an emergency, here are the top 10 must-have non perishable Vegan pantry staples with recipes
Stuck at home? Here are 101 frugal, fun and productive things to do at home to make the most of your days and evenings, and never get bored
Learn how to make your own anti-bacterial DIY hand sanitizer gel: it's very simple to make, with just a few natural ingredients and a very pleasant smell.