It’s been one year since the world as we know it has changed forever, and it’s time to add 10 more activities to spark your creativity to the list of things you can do while stuck at home.
Hello my beautiful friends… Here we go again. It’s been one year since the world as we know it has changed forever, and in case my now-gone viral post “101 frugal, fun and productive things to do at home” wasn’t enough, it’s time to add 10 more activities to spark your creativity to the list of things you can do while stuck at home.
These 10 creative activities projects will also help you to destress and spend less time just aimlessly browsing carefully-curated social media profiles of strangers (which we all know, isn’t the best thing for our current mental health). Learning and trying something new during lockdown is easier than you think: there are so many occupations, tools and initiatives to do at home you won’t have time to do them all!
So here are some of new my favorite ideas to keep the creative juices flowin’.
10 activities to spark your creativity
Visit online museum galleries
While waiting to be able to fly off to Paris, you can comfortably admire the virtual tours offered by some of the most visited museum in the world, like the Louvre, the Guggenheim in New York, the British Museum in London, the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam or the Vatican Museums in Rome, directly from the comfort of your living room.
These are just some of my favorite ones, but there’s plenty more!
Just visit their sites et voila! You have free exhibitions all to yourself.
Go to the theater, staying at home
I’ll admit the atmosphere won’t be the same (albeit a vintage red velour sofa would help) but look on the positive side: watching theater plays online ensures you always get the first row.
Did you know the Bolshoi Theater broadcasts live shows on its YouTube channel? And it’s not the only one.
Just do a quick search for the type of play you’re looking for and I’m sure you’ll find more than you ever expected to find.
Learn new skills for free
Did you know Google offers free courses and online training programs with career certificates?
I’ve just discovered Grow with Google, that is on a mission to help millions of people find a job, grow their career or business. Nowadays, their aim is to help accelerate economic recovery through their technology, tools and training; so that local businesses, communities and people can grow stronger, faster and more resilient.
I’ve just enrolled in the “FUNDAMENTALS OF DIGITAL MARKETING” course ;)
Start journaling (again)
Most of us, have stopped writing in their journals ages ago. It’s something we haven’t done for too long.
And when all this pandemic lockdown crazy situation will be just a distant memory, it will be nice to be able to re-read what we have been through, emotionally and mentally.
So pick up a pen and paper and rediscover the pleasure of the act of writing. You will gain another advantage: according to science, handwriting stimulates the brain, decreases anxiety and makes you feel safer.
Create a DIY inspirational gallery wall
One of the trendiest trends when it comes to our walls, is beautiful, inspirational, aesthetic gallery walls (just check Instagram or Pinterest if you don’t believe me)
But instead of just buying some expensive ones, make your own quote artwork! Start by downloading some good quality free fonts, open up your favorite graphic design program, and play around with colours, sizes, etc. and add graphics if you wish to do so.
My favorite free font resource is Font Bundles free fonts which is packed with high-quality fonts that let you create some really cool quotes. You’ll thank me later ;-)

Get crafty
Take out sheets of paper & markers and draw, even if you think you can’t draw; or paint that old coffee table you’ve meant to upcycle for ages; sew new covers for the sofa cushions or take some cotton threads and beads and start making necklaces , bracelets and anklets for when we can finally show them off.
Whatever crafty outlet you choose, don’t put pressure on yourself, just go with the flow and have fun.
Learn a new language
Do you dream of learning a foreign language or would you like to become more fluent in the one you already know but don’t find the time or the desire to start?
Do it now. You can easily do it without leaving the house, there’s so many free resources – from online classes to whole YouTube channels dedicated to this.
My dream is to learn Japanese. and Icelandic… I’ve started a few times already, maybe this will be the good time.
Put your playlists in order
There once were nostalgic, analog Mixed Tapes, then came Playlists. But even if the medium has changed, music is good for your mood!
So turn up the volume and let yourself be carried away by your favorite tunes.
And while you’re at it, why not sort and share your playlists on Spotify?
Visit a tourist hotspot when it’s completely deserted
Wait, what? We’re stuck at home, how are we supposed to visit any place?
…Well, have you ever heard about webcams?
Many iconic places around the world have their own webcam, and in a moment like this, there’s a good chance that if you tune in, not many visitors will be around taking selfies and just doing tourist-y things. Meaning, you’ll get an unspoiled, first-person experience of the place, even if only digitally.
If you know me, you know about my love for Iceland, so the Heckla webcam is one I like to check every now and then, and dream of being back there.
Join a creative challenge
I know I said not to spend too much time on social media, but sometimes, it can be a good thing.
There’s tons of creative challenges that you can join (or start a new one!).
An easy one is take/post 1 picture a day for 30 days. Not only it will improve your phone photography/editing skills, but it will also help you to see things differently, perhaps notice little beautiful details that are all around, even when we’re stuck at home.
And there you go, 10 activities to spark your creativity during lockdown, in order to never, ever get bored again :)
I hope you guys enjoyed reading these, but please feel free to add in the comments below what are your favorite, most creative things to do in this moment.
Also don’t forget to pin this post to share the love ♥
I wish you a love-filled day xoxo
18/03/2021Loved your first post about this, but this is even better. Definitely going to visit some museums, I never even thought about doing that… and the DIY gallery wall idea is genius. ♥
Francesca @ Seven Roses
18/03/2021Hey Nini, thank you for your visit. Which Museum will visit? Let me know!
Saskia Lipha
18/03/2021My favorite creative activity is coloring pages right now.So soothing, almost trascendetal. Have you ever tried it? :-)))
Francesca @ Seven Roses
18/03/2021Hi Saskia, so nice to have you here. I’ve never tried coloring pages, but I know so many people love them. I might give them a try :-)
Anna Nuttall
17/06/2021Hi lovely, long time no speak, I hope you are well. I’m catching up on all your lovely contents. We’re pretty much out of lockdown but social distancing and mask-wearing are still in force but we’re pretty much back to normal which is amazing! It nice catching up again. xx
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