Celebrate Chandeleur with a Vegan Crepes party! Both savory and sweet delicious, cholesterol-free, dairy-free, cruelty-free Vegan crêpes for you and your guests.
Vegan Crepes party (Chandeleur)

Celebrate Chandeleur with a Vegan Crepes party! Both savory and sweet delicious, cholesterol-free, dairy-free, cruelty-free Vegan crêpes for you and your guests.
Harry Potter fans, learn how to recreate a magical Vegan New Year's Eve banquet or Halloween feast at Hogwarts with Vegan Harry Potter's favorite foods!
Top 10 fun & easy Vegan Halloween treats' recipes for kids that are super delicious, surprisingly simple to make and oh-so-spooky! Cruelty-free, lactose-free, egg-free, some raw and gluten-free.
Hey everyone, with today’s post I want to show you that there’s tons of different Vegan recipes for back to school (or back to work!) that are easy, yummy, filling and occasionally healthy – providing you with all the proteins, vitamins and nutrients you need throughout the day. You can bring them to school or at work with you in a cute bento box and you don’t even need to heat them up in a microwave or any of that. But before I plunge into the incredible amount of yumminess that this post is about, I just want to stop and ask all of you: who else is super excited...
Happy Valentine’s day to all lovers, singles & undecided out there. Whether you celebrate it or not, love it or hate it, once again I could not refrain from bringing you another incredible round-up of all the marvelous Vegan Valentine’s Day recipes out there after last year’s epic post. These recipes will be particularly useful if you: A) forgot all about Valentine’s Day and are in need of a last-minute gift; B) previously decided not to give into the consumerism-based gift-giving tradition but still want to make something special for someone special; C) are looking for a fun activity to do together with your loved one – and cooking is...
Hello my beautiful friends! In spite of what brands/stores want us to think, holiday time is not all about buying the most expensive gifts. I like to buy a few special gifts, but I also love to make something with my own hands, spending time and putting all my attention and care into what I’m making. If you love to make your own gifts, too, you’re in luck. I’ve gathered 20 wonderful gift ideas from a selected group of talented fellow bloggers. These are gifts you can make until the very last minute, that are easy to make, require just a few ingredients/materials and that are wonderful to have on...
It’s that time of the year again, the golden colors of Autumn and slowly leaving space to the first snowflakes and that means only one thing: the holiday parties’ season is about to begin! What, already?! :-O …So once again, I’ve gathered the BEST of the best Vegan Thanksgiving recipes in order to give you, my friends, 50+ Epic Vegan Thanksgiving recipes. I’ve asked some of my fellow blogger ladies that belong to the fantastic “Finding Vegan” project to share with me and my readers (you!) their favorite Thanksgiving recipes. The response was overwhelming and I had to select a few among the 100+ recipes that I received. So, whether...
Hey my beautiful friends, so Valentine’s day is just around the corner. Love it? Hate it? ….I so want to hate it but I always end up preparing at least one special dish, usually a dessert, not because it’s a special day (when you’re in love, everyday is a special day) but because cooking is a way to express my love (again those Italian roots, you know?). That’s why these Valentine’s Day Vegan recipes come in handy! Whether you love it, hate it, loathe it, if you want to spoil someone (your other half, your best friend, yourself?) I’m sure you’ll find one good reason to spread some Vegan love...
If you think that being Vegan makes the holiday gatherings a challenge, read on! Whether you are hosting the Christmas meal or bringing a dish while visiting a friend or family, I want to make sure you’ll have plenty of yummy, vegan foods to cook & share. So here we go, 50 epic Vegan recipes for Christmas or for the holidays… are you ready? Jolly Appetizers: Ultimate Stuffed Mushrooms | One Green Planet Fall Color Vegetable Appetizers | Farm Fresh Feasts Black Bean, Pomegranate & Avocado Salsa | Two Peas & Their Pod Brussels Sprout Slaw with Maple Cider Vinaigrette | The View from Great Island Cinnamon & Orange Scented...
The Top Vegan Thanksgiving recipes to prove you how amazing it is to celebrate Thanksgiving in a cruelty-free, compassionate way, still eating loads of delicious foods. Hello my beautiful friends! Lately I’ve received many requests for Vegan, cruelty-free Thanksgiving recipes…. So here’s my roundup of the top Vegan recipes to celebrate Thanksgiving in a meaningful, thankful, cruelty-free way without meat, dairy, eggs nor Animal sufferance on our plates. Top Vegan Thanksgiving recipes Vegan Holiday roast – cheap, succulent and festive! by yours, truly. This would be perfect for your Thanksgiving, Christmas or even New Year’s Eve table. A succulent Vegan Holiday Roast that will please Vegan and meat-lovers just...