Time to add 10 more activities to spark your creativity to the list of things you can do while stuck at home.
Still in lockdown? 10 more activities to spark your creativity

Time to add 10 more activities to spark your creativity to the list of things you can do while stuck at home.
The best Vegan, cruelty-free, bio-degradable & sustainable candles to surround yourself with a delicate glow this fall.
Come along with us on a stroll around the Windy Burrow. Just a day filled with quiet moments, noticing all the little details and the beauty in them
Stuck at home? Here are 101 frugal, fun and productive things to do at home to make the most of your days and evenings, and never get bored
Find out some of the most wonderful Ylang Ylang essential oil benefits and uses, including its calming and relaxing effects for the body and mind
Learn how to make your own eco-friendly DIY smudge sticks, and find out why it's so important to collect local and seasonal plants in your area
If you're feeling stressed, follow these 5 easy tips to create a home that supports your well-being and reduces stress levels, for a happier, healthier life.
Fall is finally arriving, and it's time for an eco-friendly, toxic-free, botanically-infused, Vegan and cruelty-free Fall Candle haul for fall lovers
Have you ever wondered if happiness has a smell? Well here’s a list of the top 5 smells that make you feel happy, according to science. Hello my beautiful friends! Do you know of a smell, a scent, a fragrance that instantly makes you feel relaxed or even euphoric? Perhaps a bit nostalgic of your childhood, but definitely joyful and happier? Today I want to share with you something very interesting: the top 5 smells that, according to science, will make you feel instantly happier. As an Aromatherapy student and as someone who’s always generally looking for good vibes in life, this comes as no surprise to me. I know...
Guest post by Uma Here’s all you need to know if you want to learn more about meditation: it’s health benefits, its advantages, and how you can make the most out of this ancient relaxation practice to achieve a state of mindfulness. We live in a world filled with constant activity. From work to balancing family life, it can be difficult to find time to relax and unwind. All of that go-go-go can lead to major stress. While stress can be good for the body and the mind, if it’s experienced in high levels over a long period of time, it can wreck havoc on our overall health and well-being....
20 daily Gratitude and Abundance Affirmations to start your journey to a more abundant, grateful life Hello my beautiful friends, today I thought I’d share with you something that has changed my life for the better in the past couple of years. Too often we get caught into our daily lives and start noticing only the negative aspects while overseeing all the good that our lives are filled with. For me, it all started with a “Yes, thank you” mantra during my morning bed-yoga mini routine (I talk about it in my Feel-good Summer morning routine if you want to read it). Adding these simple words to my days, as...
We’ve just resurfaced from a short but noticeable internet downtime due to moving (yes, once again! We’re becoming pros). As we walked around our new home among unpacked boxes and well, the usual mayhem that follows a move, one of the first few things that we took out of its box and placed carefully was our beloved Himalayan Salt Lamp. Not the most useful thing in a new, empty house you might think? Well, you could be wrong, and this is the perfect opportunity to tell you why, and how a Salt Light can improve your life & home, too. [tweetshare tweet=”5 amazing benefits of Himalayan Salt Lamps ♥ #BloggingGals...
Find 5 ways to welcome spring and not simply see it as another day on the calendar: smoothies, sunshine, detox, and natural beauty tips Hello my beautiful friends, how did you celebrate the arrival of Spring? We spent the night over in a cabin in the mountains, and woke up at 6am with the sound of birds chanting to the day. We witnessed an amazing sunset (photos coming soon on Photo.feub.net) and then sat quietly while the sun came up, feeling at peace. For years I’ve only really appreciated and celebrated the arrival of Autumn, but now I think the best way to step into Springtime is to actually acknowledge...
Getting caught in a daily routine work – commute (traffic) – chores leaves you somehow emptied of energy? A simple reminder of a few little things to be happy about is the perfect way to put things in perspective and get reacquainted with your inner self. In no particular order, here’s a list of 5 things that you can be happy about: Days off – yes yes in theory you should be loving your day-to-day job, at least according to your boss, but seriously for 90% of people it’s not like that. Most people drag themselves through the weekdays just to get to the weekend, or any other day...